Running errands is chilly in this city

Running errands is chilly in this city

Walking back out towards the car, you are inundated with sunshine plus thick humid air Being an adult is so stressful. I feel like I’m pulled in all directions, every moment of every day. There’s always something to be paying attention to, whether it’s a major project at work, a hard process cleaning up something

Contine Reading

FInding solutions for air duct oversights

FInding solutions for air duct oversights

Periodically you just have to get creative with major projects plus intelligent workarounds. For instance, on my recent home search I knew that I was going to have to make some swings to any property I picked up. There was no way I would find the home of my dreams within my price range. However,

Contine Reading

Glad I hired the guy to do the installation as well

Glad I hired the guy to do the installation as well

I own a lot of rental properties in Palm Bay, FL. It is a nightmare keeping up with all of them. I don’t want to hire a home manager since that takes a cut of my profits… So whenever I can do something myself, I do it. There are certain things that are beyond my

Contine Reading

Zone controlled heating for in-laws

Zone controlled heating for in-laws

I personally prefer to have the a/c on, making the indoor air condition cool plus dry for sleeping It is typically stressful to combine your life with that of your significant other, moving in together is a trying time plus you have to learn to compromise to make the arrangement work… Both of you need

Contine Reading

Uncomfortable man turns out to be HVAC genius

Uncomfortable man turns out to be HVAC genius

Oftentimes, it pays off to be a good human being when you can. A few weeks ago, for instance, I was wandering around my favorite local department store when I saw a full grown man standing in the juniors section and looking extremely uncomfortable. I watched him wander around for a while, looking extremely confused

Contine Reading

Upgrading to a geothermal heat pump

Upgrading to a geothermal heat pump

I call for geothermal maintenance when I feel about it, which isn’t easy often My partner plus I chose to update our Heating plus Air Conditioning unit as the new unit failed; My associate and I had been living with a central Heating plus Air Conditioning unit for years. The two of us hated it.

Contine Reading

This was uncomfortable

This was uncomfortable

Oftentimes, it pays off to be a great human being when you can. A few weeks ago, for instance, I was wandering around my favorite local department store when I saw a full grown man sitting in the juniors part plus looking extremely uncomfortable. I watched him wander around for a while, looking extremely confused

Contine Reading