Ductless mini split installed on my addition

Ductless mini split installed on my addition

I recently added an addition onto my home. I needed the extra dining room for my modern baby. I was just one space short. I also thought it would add value to my house someday. I had to put it right on the side of the house. I had the option of adding to my

Contine Reading

Overlooking ductwork and discovering leaks

Overlooking ductwork and discovering leaks

I am quite conscientious about regular household maintenance. Every year, I drain the water heater, service the refrigerator and hire vent cleaning for the clothes dryer. I regularly remove debris from the gutters and change air filters in the vacuum cleaner, furnace and air conditioner. In the fall, I inspect the interior and exterior of

Contine Reading

Hard water ruins water heater

Hard water ruins water heater

Because of concerns with strenuous water, our home appliances don’t last all that long! Our water contains severely high levels of calcium, lime and rust. It creates mineral deposits on everything it touches! Hard water reduces the reliability and efficiency of our washing machine, faucets, drains and pipes. It corrodes the finishes on fixtures and

Contine Reading

The luxury of radiant flooring

The luxury of radiant flooring

My family has a tradition of taking a ski getaway over the Christmas holidays. My fantastic friend and I rent a cottage right on the slopes, where my associate and I can step out the door plus get in line for the lifts. My fantastic friend and I spend anywhere from one to two weeks

Contine Reading

Happy with a window cooling system

Happy with a window cooling system

The summers in my local area rarely last more than a couple of months, however the heat plus humidity are a problem. Central cooling system isn’t necessary however I wanted some type of cooling option. For my situation, window cooling systems are a charming alternative. Compact cooling units are affordable plus energy efficient. They are

Contine Reading

Living alone means I need extra HVAC help

Living alone means I need extra HVAC help

I truly want to live on my own. It’s been a few years since I’ve had my very own place, and I think that I’m ready to revisit the idea. About a decade ago, when I lived alone for the first time, it made me very depressed and anxious. I didn’t have the right mindset

Contine Reading

Too various animals in the house

Too various animals in the house

For my entire life, I wanted to be a veterinarian. I constantly wanted to help animals and to give them the best lives that I could. It’s constantly been hard for me to consider the fact that there are living things out there in this world, unloved and unwanted. All that I want is to

Contine Reading

This is a big situation for me

This is a big situation for me

If you live in a neighborhood with outgoing, older folks, you genuinely have a similar situation to my own, however since I have moved into this city, I have felt continually observed from all of the neighbors. I am the youngest woman on the block, plus I feel like they are trying to be helpful

Contine Reading

Needing a whole-home humidifier due to winter conditions

Needing a whole-home humidifier due to winter conditions

Living in the northeastern part of the country presents some challenges. My buddy and I not only experience extreme winter cold, but the sub zero conditions persist for months at a time. I expect to start up the heater sometime in August & operate it non stop until at least the end of March. It’s

Contine Reading

Jury duty is a particular  brand of torture

Jury duty is a particular brand of torture

This past month has been a particularally hard plus challenging one. I feel like I have been running into endless popsicles plus frustrations around every single turn. It seems like everyday of my trip to work has been completely poor with poor drivers plus unpredictable traffic. The weather conditions at work has been extremely stressful,

Contine Reading

Hard water ruins water heater

Hard water ruins water heater

Because of troubles with taxing water, our apartment appliances don’t last all that long, our water contains extremely high levels of calcium, lime & rust, but it creates mineral deposits on everything it touches, however hard water reduces the reliability & efficiency of our washing machine, faucets, drains & pipes. It corrodes the finishes on

Contine Reading

Boilers are bendy plus require no maintenance

Boilers are bendy plus require no maintenance

When I first moved into my home I had a whole list of things I wanted to change. I wanted to paint every room, redo the flooring, get rid of the bushes, paint the outside of the house, add to the home, plus detach the outdated boiler system. There were more than 2 projects to

Contine Reading

Happy with a window air conditioner

Happy with a window air conditioner

The summers in my local part rarely last more than a couple of months, however the heat in addition to humidity are a problem. Central air conditioner isn’t necessary but I wanted some type of cooling option. For my situation, window air conditioners are a appealing alternative. Compact cooling units are affordable in addition to

Contine Reading

Roofing is a very violent process

Roofing is a very violent process

I purchased myself a waterfront apartment for the most discouraging couple ever; They were horrible to buy from. They constantly were trying to take things that went with them, but i thought we were going to get into a knock down, drag out ice chest in the garage. The wifey wanted to take a whole

Contine Reading

Too numerous critters in the house

Too numerous critters in the house

For my entire life, I wanted to be a veterinarian. I consistently wanted to help critters and to provide them the best lives that I could. It’s consistently been taxing for me to consider the fact that there are living things out there in this world, unloved and unwanted. All that I want is to

Contine Reading

The luxury of radiant flooring

The luxury of radiant flooring

My family has a tradition of taking a ski getaway over the Christmas holidays. My friend and I rent a chalet right on the slopes, where my pal and I can step out the door as well as get in line for the lifts. My friend and I spend somewhere from one to two weeks

Contine Reading