This is a very interesting situation

This is a very interesting situation

I honestly want to live on my own. It’s been a few years since I have had my legitimately own place, plus I think that I am ready to revisit the idea. About a decade ago, when I lived alone for the first time, it made me legitimately depressed plus anxious. I didn’t have the

Contine Reading

I'm having trouble

I'm having trouble

I am so glad that it’s a new year plus a new decade. This past one was particularally difficult, plus I am happy to see it go. I have to say, 2019 was particularally challenging for me plus my life. In fact, I was trapped in a legitimately toxic relationship for a great part of

Contine Reading

Can’t sleep when my boyfriend is burning up

Can’t sleep when my boyfriend is burning up

I am so delighted that it’s a current year and a current decade. This past one was identifiably difficult, and I’m cheerful to see it go. I have to say, 2019 was identifiably challenging for me and my life. In fact, I was trapped in a easily toxic relationship for a fine part of the

Contine Reading

High-velocity heating and cooling accommodates needs of older home

High-velocity heating and cooling accommodates needs of older home

My house was built before centralized ductwork was a standard feature. The high ceilings, big windows and floor plan make the residence especially difficult to heat and cool. For a couple of years, we attempted to get by with an assortment of electric baseboard heaters, box fans and window air conditioners. We shivered all winter

Contine Reading

Hard water ruins water heater

Hard water ruins water heater

Because of troubles with taxing water, our apartment appliances don’t last all that long, our water contains extremely high levels of calcium, lime & rust, but it creates mineral deposits on everything it touches, however hard water reduces the reliability & efficiency of our washing machine, faucets, drains & pipes. It corrodes the finishes on

Contine Reading

Hard water ruins water heater

Hard water ruins water heater

Because of concerns with strenuous water, our home appliances don’t last all that long! Our water contains severely high levels of calcium, lime and rust. It creates mineral deposits on everything it touches! Hard water reduces the reliability and efficiency of our washing machine, faucets, drains and pipes. It corrodes the finishes on fixtures and

Contine Reading

The luxury of radiant flooring

The luxury of radiant flooring

My family has a tradition of taking a ski vacation over the Christmas holidays. We rent a cabin right on the slopes, where we can step out the door and get in line for the lifts. We spend anywhere from one to two weeks skiing during the day and playing board games or watching movies

Contine Reading

Bought a heat pump for zone control

Bought a heat pump for zone control

My partner and I don’t share a room. That typically shocks people plus they believe my wonderful friend and I are about to break up. The truth is that the two of us don’t sleep well together. He snores plus I am a light sleeper. He gets up early plus I stay up late. I

Contine Reading

Jury duty is a particular   brand of torture

Jury duty is a particular brand of torture

This past month has been a identifiably hard and challenging one. I feel like I have been running into endless popsicles and frustrations around every single turn. It seems like everyday of my trip to toil has been completely terrible with bad drivers and unpredictable traffic. The climate at toil has been harshly stressful, and

Contine Reading

The luxury of radiant flooring

The luxury of radiant flooring

My family has a tradition of taking a ski trip over the Christmas holidays. My buddy and I rent a lodge right on the slopes, where my buddy and I can step out the door & get in line for the lifts. My buddy and I spend anywhere from one to two weeks skiing during

Contine Reading