If you live in a neighborhood with outgoing, older folks, you really have a similar situation to my own, then since I have moved into this neighborhood, I have felt continually noticed from all of the neighbors.
I’m the youngest person on the block, and I feel like they are trying to be helpful with their abundant free time.
Since none of my neighbors work anymore, they are more than cheerful to keep an eye out and stick their nose far into your business. I understand that they are usually trying to give some wisdom to their younger comrade, however these afternoons they are driving me insane, then furthermore, I’m absolutely concerned that one of these afternoons they are going to catch on to my illicit behaviors, then just last week, I was quite upset that my closest neighbor had discovered my experimental cannabis grow room. I left my household early in the morning and noticed my neighbor poking around a bit too close to my outdoor air exchange, without pause, I was in a mild panic. I thought the air from inside my household could be passing through the air ducts and flowing towards his property. If he got a whiff of my beautiful plants, he would absolutely realize something was going on inside my house. I was feeling a bit paranoid, when he sauntered over and told me I should reconsider my household insulation, he told me he happened to notice my windows and doors weren’t sealing tightly. He was extremely upset that I might be losing my high quality treated air and wasting money on my energy bills. I breathed and frustrated sigh of relief, when he told me I should also consider an advanced Heating and Air Conditioning system for better ventilation in my grow room.