The previous owner replaced the roof

The previous owner replaced the roof

I purchased myself a waterfront dwelling for the most frustrating couple ever, they were horrible to buy from. They consistently were trying to take things that went with them, however i thought we were going to get into a knock down, drag out ice chest in the garage. The husband wanted to take a whole

Contine Reading

Zone controlled heating for in-laws

Zone controlled heating for in-laws

It is always stressful to combine your life with that of your significant other. Moving in together is a trying time and you have to learn to compromise to make the arrangement work. Both of you need to have a clear picture of what you want in life, and your plans need to align to

Contine Reading

Running errands is cold in this city

Running errands is cold in this city

Being an adult is so stressful. I feel like I’m pulled in all directions, every moment of every afternoon. There’s consistently something to be paying attention to, whether it’s a major project at work, a taxing process cleaning up something at home, or running around town to accomplish boring adult errands. I have to say,

Contine Reading

It’s time to replace the furnace

It’s time to replace the furnace

I think it might be time to invest into a new furnace. My current heating system is over twenty years old and beginning to have some problems. I’ve noticed that it runs more often than it used to and struggled to maintain ideal temperature on especially cold winter winter days. I have needed to raise

Contine Reading