I am putting my future in their hands

I am putting my future in their hands

If you’ve lived in numerous homes, then you know how challenging it is to move all of your stuff. You collect things in one living situation, and then try to transport them to a new space, and it’s harshly laborious and hard to do the physical labor, and in the end it’s often hard to

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FInding solutions for air duct oversights

FInding solutions for air duct oversights

Sometimes you just have to get creative with major projects and intelligent workarounds. For instance, on my recent household search I knew that I was going to have to make some changes to any house I picked up. There was no way I would find the household of my dreams within my price range. However,

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Added hydronic heating to my dream house

Added hydronic heating to my dream house

My husband plus I toured lots of homes before my associate and I settled on our ideal one. The home was renovated plus added onto a bunch of times though. The size almost doubled plus the heating equipment couldn’t keep up during the winter time season, so when I bought the locale, my husband plus

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The previous owner replaced the roof

The previous owner replaced the roof

I purchased myself a waterfront dwelling for the most frustrating couple ever, they were horrible to buy from. They consistently were trying to take things that went with them, however i thought we were going to get into a knock down, drag out ice chest in the garage. The husband wanted to take a whole

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A very tight air duct system

A very tight air duct system

Periodically you just have to get creative with major projects and intelligent workarounds. For instance, on my recent condo search I knew that I was going to have to make some swings to any house I picked up. There was no way I would find the condo of my dreams within my price range. However,

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